Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Emile Durkheim Essay Example for Free

Emile Durkheim Essay Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who is considered to be the founding father of sociology. His contributions were in sociology, Anthropology and religions studies. He published and lectured sociological studies in topics like education, crime, religion, suicide and division of labor. Durkheim was born in Pascoag province of Lorraine, formerly in Germany but presently in France, in 1859, April 15. His family line was of rabbi but he rebelled against this title while still a kid. Much of his work was to show that religions bases were from social issues and not a divine issue. Though he rebelled against his family rabbi tradition, his relationship to the family and the Jewish community was still intact. Most of his collaborators and students were drawn from the Jewish community and was even confirmed under the Jewish traditions at the age of thirteen. He followed the regular system in the secular school and at the same time studied Hebrew, Talmud and Old Testament. He at one time acquired some numinous skills in Catholicism from his female teacher who was a catholic herself. However, soon after, he developed some doubts in religion and withdrew his involvement in it. In the college d’Epinal, he was a precocious scholar and this earned him some prizes and honors. This motivated him towards his ambition and transferred to Lycee Louis-le-Grand, a French high school in Paris. Later in 1879, he joined Ecole Normale Superieure a training institution for French scholars. In the ground, he met some major scholars marking French intellectual life. These were; Henri Bergsona a vitalism philosopher, Jean Jaures a social leader, Rauh, Golot and Blondel all philophers and Peirre Janet a psychologist. His interest is a scientific view to society earned him some opposition towards Ecole Normale academic system. It contained no social science which was Durkheim interest. Instead, humanistic studies dominated the academic system. He rebelled against a course that privileged reading of Latin prose and Greek verse and felt recent scientific discoveries and philosophical doctrines should have been the privileged. He was for a solid and structured learning rather than elegant dabbling system which was even rewarded. In 1882 he finished 2nd last in his graduation class. Despite his rebel nature, he had some good friends like Jean Jaures – a socialist leader. He was known to be intelligent, dedicated, a good moral and scientific instructor. (Caser 143) After spending a year in Germany studying sociology, he returned to Bordeaux where a teacher’s training school had just been started. There, he taught social sciences and pedagogy. He was credited for introducing social sciences in the French curriculum. However, his argument that social science could easily explain morality and religion was criticized. Thereafter in 1890s, it became Durkheim’s period of his significant contribution. In 1893, he published his doctoral dissertation â€Å"The Division of labor in Society†, which was a study of how social order was maintained in differing societies. 1895 published â€Å"Rules of the sociological method† manifesting on sociology definition and how it is supposed to be done. One the same year, 1895, he founded Department of Sociology at the University of Bordeaux. In 1898 he published his increasing students and collaborators works in â€Å"LAnnes Sociologuque† a journal he had founded. In 1897, he published â€Å"Suicide† a study providing examples of what the sociological monograph might look. He used quantitative methods in criminology to explore the different crime rates among Protestants and Catholics. He found the strong social control among catholic reduced suicide rates. In 1902, Durkheim was the permanent chair of education and sociology. In the same year 1912, he published his major work â€Å"The elementary forms of Religious life† During the world war which was characterized by propaganda, Durkheim dropped his position on politics which was patriotic rather than internationalism. His former students had died in the war including his own son. This caused Durkheim mental blows. He had lost his son and his rational secular life had been affected by the war. In 1917, he suffered a stroke from emotional strains and exhaustion, recovered months later and resumed to work but later on the same year died. Emile Durkheim was laid to rest in Paris. (Emile Durkheim) His theories and ideas mainly focused social structural assertions of human social tribulations. He covered the social facts, division of labor, education, crime, punishment law and suicide. In social facts, Durkheim felt that the society is much more than what it meant. He incorporated issue like ethnic and religion background. His priority was not on what influences individuals behaviors or acts but in social facts. His argument about social facts is that its existence is more objective and greater than individual’s actions and who makes a society. He argued that only if people in a society were oriented to a common symbolic representation sets, to a common assumption about the environment, could moral unity prevail. Without them any society irrespective of its modernity or primitive nature would degenerate and decay. (Coser 144) In religion, his views are that it is a pervasive aspect in social structure. It is more human oriented aimed at uniting communities. He looks at it effect on an individual and the way they behave, how it can divide a community and its role in the society. Durkheim defines religion as a cultural system of commonly shared beliefs and rituals that provides a sense of ultimate meaning and purpose by creating an idea of reality based on super natural powers (Giddens 534) In division of labor, he argues that despite it aim for material and intellectual development in the society; it has a moral factor more important in that it enhances social unity among people. He argues that people have something in common. This is what binds them together along traditional lines for they are more or less the same. The highly complex division of labor in modern communities was influenced by ‘organic’ solidarity. Specialization and social roles tie individuals to one another. He argues law is a major symbol in the social unity. Punishments acts in it are meant to sustain the unity. Law is not meant to punish but restrain the existing unity. Durkheim called the breaking of social norms state of anomic. (Calhoun 47) He tried to argue suicide by comparing its rates among the Protestants and Catholics. There was less suicide cases in catholic than in protestant. According to him this was as a result of catholic strict norms. His work has influence control theory of sociology. His view on punishment is that it is important in the society setting. He argues social solidarity can only be maintained through punishment. To avoid law breakers who in turn threaten the social unity in a society, punishments act as a threat. However, he calls for a relevant punishment amount claiming it threatens immorality. On crime, he feels it is useful as it leads to reform. It is a response to a pressing social tension and therefore flushes out the pressing issue off the society. (Parsons 32) As a teacher, he had interest in education. He felt it is an important entity in the social structure as it strengthens social cohesion, maintains social roles and maintains division of labor. Emile Durkheim has over the years influenced sociology scholar. In most cases, they have based their studies in his arguments. In most education curriculum, his sociology initiative has been incorporated. His arguments in almost all the areas in social structure have influenced the modern society. Major education institutes offers courses on sociology all over the world. The study of criminology has based its findings in Emile’s ideas. His sociological theories and ideas have been used to explain the causes of crimes in a society. Policy and law makers have used Durkheim’s ideas in making the law. Courts too in their making of judgments they have based it on his ideas. For example cases of suicide and crimes. His findings have been very significant in trying to understand terrorism and terrorism acts. In the modern society, this has been a major threat to the international unity. Religion has been known to be the root cause of such terrorism acts. The 9/11 us terrorism act was by Islamic extremists. The social control in Islamic does not restrict this and therefore it may not look more of a crime to them. Religion has influenced the society greatly, from politics, rituals and practices. On the religion set social norms, members have behaved and acted according to them. Civil wars in most of the word nations are as a result of social norms conflict among different societies. Most of the crimes against humanities have been important in that it has influenced reforms as per Durkheim ideas. Many societies have learnt from past experiences and have significantly reformed to be stronger and united. However, some societies have released social tensions through criminal activities like wars and the end result have been improved unity. This justifies Durkheim’s idea on crime that it is important in reformation. The United Nation body is significant in the world’s unity. The social norms outlined in its organization have a great influence in controlling the world’s societies in their actions. Exploitation is now reduced and independence has prevailed. On the other hand, the larger community i. e. the world is now much more united. Division of labor which is an evident entity in the modern society is more than just sharing responsibilities and roles. It is very significant in social unity. The coming together of specialists from different background has enhanced interaction and understanding among a larger population. In the labor firms, acts that govern a company have been made by their respective policy makers and are significant in the social unity and in role sharing. Durkeim’s scientific views on the society, his contributions and influences are very visible in the modern society.Therefore, he deserves acknowledgment as the founding father of sociology. Work cited: Coser, . Emile Durkheim the Person: sociology at hewett 1977. Retrieved on Friday, October 17, 2008 from http://www. hewett. norfolk. sch. uk/curric/soc/durkheim/durkper. htm Emile Durkheim Site: Emile Durkheim biography: mosaic Retrieved on Friday, October 17, 2008 from http://www. emiledurkheim. net/ Giddens, A Griffiths, S . Religion in the modern society: Polity, 2006. 138- 148 Parsons, T. et al . Theories of Society, New York: Free Press, 2006, 33-48 Calhoun, et al: Classical Sociological Theory . Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 45-66

Monday, January 20, 2020

Nothing to Donate :: essays research papers

Nothing to donate I am the Prof Main Entry: cu†¢ra†¢tor Pronunciation: 'kyur-"A-t&r, kyu-'rA-, 'kyur-&- Function: noun Etymology: Latin, from curatus, past participle of curare to care, from cura care Date: 1632 : one that has the care and superintendence of something; especially : one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit Main Entry: 1lav†¢en†¢der Pronunciation: 'la-v&n-d&r Function: noun Etymology: Middle English lavendre, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin lavandula Date: 13th century 1 a : a Mediterranean mint (Lavandula angustifolia syn. L. officinalis) widely cultivated for its narrow aromatic leaves and spikes of lilac-purple flowers which are dried and used in sachets b : any of several plants congeneric with true lavender and used similarly but often considered inferior 2 : a pale purple Main Entry: kha†¢ki Pronunciation: 'ka-kE, 'kà ¤-, Canad often 'kà ¤r- Function: noun Etymology: Hindi khAkI dust-colored, from khAk dust, from Persian Date: 1857 1 : a light yellowish brown 2 a : a khaki-colored cloth made usually of cotton or wool and used especially for military uniforms b : a garment of this cloth; especially : a military uniform -- usually used in plural - khaki adjective Main Entry: cu†¢ra†¢tor Pronunciation: 'kyur-"A-t&r, kyu-'rA-, 'kyur-&- Function: noun Etymology: Latin, from curatus, past participle of curare to care, from cura care Date: 1632 : one that has the care and superintendence of something; especially : one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit Main Entry: 1lav†¢en†¢der Pronunciation: 'la-v&n-d&r Function: noun Etymology: Middle English lavendre, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin lavandula Date: 13th century 1 a : a Mediterranean mint (Lavandula angustifolia syn. L. officinalis) widely cultivated for its narrow aromatic leaves and spikes of lilac-purple flowers which are dried and used in sachets b : any of several plants congeneric with true lavender and used similarly but often considered inferior

Sunday, January 12, 2020

My Favorite Japanese Restaurant

I was driving down the road and I was feeling very hungry. So hungry, I could hardly think straight. All I wanted to do was gobble down lots of Japanese food. I could taste the Kung Pow Chicken and smell the steaming rice as I drove my truck. To my delight, I spotted my favorite Japanese restaurant and it was calling my name. Unable to resist, I parked in the parking lot and got out of my truck faster than I ever had before. The building was very old and badly in need of a fresh coat of paint. There were also several roof tiles missing. Not exactly a five star restaurant. The large sign hanging in the front window was slightly tilted to the left because some broken ceiling tiles were coming out of place. It was hard to miss the brightly lit neon blinking sign that read, â€Å"Sunami†. From the front windows, I could see the tables inside and it did not appear to be very crowded. At the entrance of the restaurant, there was bronze statute of a pudgy monk sitting crossed legged with his large belly bulging out and a huge smile on his face. As I stepped inside, my ears filled with the sound of booming noises that came from the customers. It was obvious from the sound of laughter and chatter that everyone was having a good time. I took a seat at my usual booth, the one with the tear in the old red fake leather. I was such a frequent customer that I could order without looking at the menu, â€Å"#13 Kung Pow Chicken†. Moments later, I was approached by a waitress who had the sweetest sounding voice I had ever heard. After I placed my order, I sat in the booth waiting for my food, enjoying the sights and sounds. I took a sip of water, with a slice of lemon neatly stabbed on the rim, then took a deep breath and the most wonderful yet familiar aroma filled my nostrils. I could not place it but it smelled a little like the Japanese dish I usually order, Kung Pow Chicken. I kept taking deep breaths and turning my head to see where this delicious aroma was coming from. Sure enough, there it was, my platter of chicken and rice brought in by the waitress and it was mine to devour. The wonderful sounding waitress laid down the food and reminded me to leave some room for desert. Right then, desert was the last thing on my mind, all I wanted to do was enjoy my Kung Pow Chicken. I put the first morsel of Kung Pow Chicken in my mouth and wow, it tasted GREAT! The salt was not too much and the seasonings were just right. The rice as well was cooked to perfection and oh so scrumptious. Fifteen minutes later I was finished with the whole plate of food. I was feeling absolutely stuffed, a little like an over inflated balloon ready to burst. Then I was approached by the waitress again, this time trying to convince me to eat some sushi. I had never eaten any sushi before so I agreed to give it a try. So, she brought some out to me on a black plate, it looked like it was something smashed together into a roll. I took it apart and felt it in my hand. The raw fish felt cold and slimly. The rice felt very coarse, a little like it had not been cooked thoroughly. I had a bite of the sushi and realized that it was not as bad as I thought. The salmon just melted in my mouth and the rice gave the whole thing great texture. If I had eaten any more I certainly would have burst. Resisting the temptation of delicious looking deserts, I gracefully paid the inexpensive check, left a generous tip for the sweet sounding waitress, then left the best restaurant in town.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The End from the Begining Essay - 1063 Words

The Article the end from the beginning re (de)finding Aboriginality written by Michael Dodson explores the notions on how Aboriginal people have been represented and perceived by the early settlers. Michael Dodson makes a critique on the language from previous historians. They Mention in the beginning that the Aboriginal people were seen as Noble savages from the prehistoric beasts, blood thirsty, cunning ferocious† that they even fell in the classification of blood types which gives an idea of an animal like classification, scientific based and based purely on Age and descent. ( Dodson, 2003: 19-20). Michael Dodson Argues the question as to how can the colonisers understand all the aspects of the indigenous people if they†¦show more content†¦( Dodson 2003, 20-22) I agree with Michael Dodson through establishing the twin projects for Aboriginal people. The first twin project is self identification which is essential that the Aboriginal people to self identify themselves and to actually break away from the representations that the colonisers’ gave implied on them. Michael Dodson argues that one has the right to control their identity to broader the right to self identification ( Dodson 2003, pg 22) that he is trying to make the Aboriginal people to develop an identity of their own. A Positive reinforcement that Dodson has placed that is found in the article is the Un study that gave recognition for aboriginal people’s right and that they are being heard an has made an impact for Aboriginal people to find their own self identity and It is a way to ensure that Indigenous peoples can direct their cultural, economic and social development and participate fully in the democratic life of the entire community The Mirroring function acts as a reflection that Aboriginal people are always seen as the other that when they look it to that mirror all they see are the representations from the colonisers gaze. I believe that it is positive that Michael Dodson is providing the Aboriginal people with a sense of empowerment to become more independent and be recognised for their difference as they are always defined by. 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